Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Dominique Chapelle

  • Associate editor of international journals Computers & Structures and M2AN

  • Guest editor-in-chief (with J.-F. Gerbeau) for M2AN special issue “Direct and inverse modeling of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems”

  • Frequent reviewer for journals Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, IJNME

  • Program committee of conference “Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart 2013”

  • Invited lecturer at Mayneord-Phillips Summer School (Oxford, 2–6 July 2012)

  • Invited seminars at ETH-Zürich 17/10, CMAP (Ecole Polytechnique) 13 Nov.

Philippe Moireau

  • Reviewer this year for M2AN BMMB and EJSOL journals and the American Control Conference

  • Project expert reviewer this year for the ANR and the Region Aquitaine

  • Invited lecturer at Mayneord-Phillips Summer School (Oxford, 2–6 July 2012) on “Parameter calibration and identification for the cardiovascular system”

  • Invited lecturer at Medisys Lab - Philips Research Seminar on “Joint state-parameter estimation for PDEs by observer and optimal filtering strategies”

  • Speaker at “PICOF 2012” Conference on “Improving Numerical Analysis Using Observers - the Second-Order Hyperbolic Case”

Alexandre Imperiale

  • Speaker at “CANUM 2012” Conference on “Numerical convergence of semi-discrete time and space under-sampled observers for vibrating systems. Application to the wave equation”, May 2012

  • Speaker at Medisys Lab - Philips Research Seminar on “Methodological framework for estimation in a cardiac model using tagged-MR images”, July 2012

  • Speaker at Inria-Rocquencourt Junior Seminar on “Concepts of data assimilation in cardiac modeling”, April 2012

Annabelle Collin

  • Poster at “CANUM 2012” Conference on “A surface-based electrophysiological model motivated by cardiac atria modeling and relying on asymptotic considerations”, May 2012

  • Speaker at Junior Seminar Marne-La-Vallée on “A surface-based electrophysiology model relying on asymptotic analysis with physiological simulations”, November 2012